Facebook Like – How To Combine Online And Offline

June 15, 2011

Yesterday I came across a couple of nice examples that show creative ways how to combine Facebook Likes online and offline. Have a look:

Warum werden Studenten Fan einer Facebook-Seite?

May 12, 2011

Der PR-Blogger berichtet heute über eine Studie zum Thema Facebook und Studenten.

Alle Welt spricht von Social Media Personalmarketing. Twitter, Facebook und Social Gaming werden als DIE Trends des Recruitings gehyped und es vergeht momentan fast kein Tag, an dem sich nicht ein Unternehmen egal welcher Größe mit einer so genannten Karriere-Page auf Facebook wagt. Und warum das alles? Weil da die Talente schlummern und neue Zielgruppen erschlossen werden können? Weil man dabei sein muss? Weil kein Weg an den neuen Medien vorbei geht? Letzteres ist definitiv richtig. Aber ist es wirklich so, dass insbesondere die Zielgruppe der Studierenden auf Facebook vertreten ist und auch dort von Arbeitgebern erreicht werden möchte? Oder sich zumindest dort über Arbeitgeber informieren will? Fragen über Fragen, deren Beantwortung wahrscheinlich nicht nur mich interessiert. Und da es beim Social Web auch um die “Weisheit der Vielen” geht, möchte ich die Allgemeinheit gerne an ein paar unserer Erkenntnisse teilhaben lassen.

Lesen Sie weiter hier: http://pr-blogger.de/2011/05/12/warum-werden-studenten-fan-einer-facebook-seite/

Infographic / New Study Shows How Facebook Users Use Facebook

January 15, 2011

The Stats on Digg
Via: OnlineSchools.org

Kurs mit Peter Metzinger: Krisenmanagement – Organisation, Kommunikation und Bewältigung von Krisen

December 16, 2010


Wenn die Reputation eines Unternehmens Schaden nimmt,  zeigt sich das nicht selten im Aktienkurs und an der Verkaufsfront. Internet und soziale Medien erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass aus einem Vorfall eine Krise wird. Rechtzeitige Krisenprävention hilft Schaden vermeiden: Feuerlöscher und Rauchmelder installiert man, bevor es brennt! Wer vorbereitet ist, hat bessere Chancen und kann auch die Potentiale nutzen, die in jeder Krise stecken. Sie verantworten die organisatorische und kommunikatorische Bewältigung von Krisen Ihres Unternehmens? Sie möchten einer Krisensituation mit den richtigen Werkzeugen begegnen? Der strategische Krisenplan soll gut vorbereitet sein? Dieser media workshop vermittelt Ihnen die notwendige Sicherheit.


  • Arten und Früherkennung von Krisen
  • Verlauf und Dynamik von Krisen
  • Arbeitsweise von Journalisten und Medien in Krisensituationen
  • Aufbau eines nationalen oder internationalen Krisenmanagements
  • Media-Relations während der Krise
  • Social Media: eine neue Qualität in der Kommunikation
  • Erarbeitung von Krisenmanagement- und -kommunikationskonzepten

Bonus: Jeder Teilnehmer erhält ein Set von praxiserprobten Checklisten, die bei der Krisenprävention helfen.

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Are Twitter Followers Better Than Facebook Fans?

September 16, 2010

By Peter Metzinger

Just read the following article from emarketer.com. It says that according to the final edition of ExactTarget’s “Subscribers, Fans and Followers” report:

  • Twitter followers were more than twice as likely to buy a brand which they followed than Facebook users. In other words: Twitter followers are more loyal and easier to mobilize
  • Because of Twitter’s much smaller user base just 3% of US internet users follow a brand through the microblogging service
  • Those who do follow brands on Twitter are likely to be influencers in general, while Facebook users are more like the average consumer
  • Since Facebook users often become brand fans on the site because they are already fans in real life and want to use the brand as part of their self-image, it may be more difficult for them to actually increase their spending or advocate for the brand more than they did before “liking.”

Read the complete article here: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007928

business campaigning Switzerland Launches Social Media Campaigning

June 21, 2010

By Peter Metzinger

pro:campaigning member agency business campaigning Switzerland announced today the launch of a social media campaign for the Swiss Pensionfunds Association ASIP.

Last year business campaigning Switzerland built www.mit-uns-fuer-uns.ch, a website that aims at explaining the complex pensionfund system of Switzerland. Goal of the new social media campaign is to position and promote this website as an important knowledge source, and also to be in dialogue with the interested population. In order to manage a big number of social media walls, seReive will be employed, a social media application developed as a joint venture between business campaigning Switzerland and Kiwi Custom.

business campaigning Switzerland’s media release and a bit of theory on Social Media Campaigning (in German) can be found on Peter Metzinger’s blog: www.petermetzinger.com

«mit uns – für uns» is on:
Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | WordPress (Blog)

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“Listening first, selling second” – How Social Media Change The Way We Do Business

May 8, 2010

By Peter Metzinger

“Listening first, selling second” is equivalent to what I say about Campaigning: first listen, then talk. The following video is an impressive summary of current figures and trends on social media and how they change the way we communicate and gives an impression what this may mean about how we do marketing and do business. A few quotes got my special attention:

  1. Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the U.S.
  2. 1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media
  3. We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.”
  4. If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 3rd largest ahead of the United States and only behind China and India
  5. 2009 US Department of Education study revealed that on average, online students out performed those receiving face-to-face instruction
  6. 80% of companies use social media for recruitment; 95% of these using LinkedIn
  7. The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year-old females
  8. Because of the speed in which social media enables communication, word of mouth now becomes world of mouth
  9. 25% of search results for the World’s Top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content Read the rest of this entry »

Kanton Bern erhält virtuelles Wahlbüro

February 9, 2010

Soeben entdeckt. Ich gebe es im Original wieder. Quelle: http://www.wahlkampfblog.ch/?p=2100

Die politischen Akteure bekunden zunehmend Mühe, die Menschen in diesem Land zu erreichen. Die Gründe liegen einerseits bei der Politik selber. Andererseits aber auch bei den etablierten Medien, die mit schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen kämpfen und sich schleichend entpolitisieren.

Innert kurzer Zeit haben verschiedene Onlinemedien den Durchbruch geschafft. Mit ihrem Aufkommen ist ein neues Phänomen akzentuiert zu Tage getreten: das Kommentieren von Artikeln bzw. das Mitdiskutieren in Foren. Wer sich einmal durch die vielen Kommentare gelesen hat, braucht danach, je nach Naturell, Baldrian oder einen Boxsack. Wer das noch vor sich hat: exemplarisch wird die Problematik im Forum des “Club” vom 1. Dezember 2009 sichtbar.

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Traditional Media Still Major Source Of Information

January 12, 2010

Just found the following article. Interesting, in these days of Web2.0…

Where does the news come from in today’s changing media?

Who really reports the news that most people get about their communities? What role do new media, blogs and specialty news websites now play?

How, in other words, does the modern news “ecosystem” of a large American city work? And if newspapers were to die — to the extent that we can infer from the current landscape — what would that imply for what citizens would know and not know about where they live?

The questions are becoming increasingly urgent. As the economic model that has subsidized professional journalism collapses, the number of people gathering news in traditional television, print and radio organizations is shrinking markedly. What, if anything, is taking up that slack?

The answers are a moving target; even trying to figure out how to answer them is a challenge. But a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, which takes a close look at the news ecosystem of one city suggests that while the news landscape has rapidly expanded, most of what the public learns is still overwhelmingly driven by traditional media — particularly newspapers.

The study, which examined all the outlets that produced local news in Baltimore, Md., for one week, surveyed their output and then did a closer examination of six major narratives during the week, finds that much of the “news” people receive contains no original reporting. Fully eight out of 10 stories studied simply repeated or repackaged previously published information.

And of the stories that did contain new information nearly all, 95%, came from traditional media — most of them newspapers. These stories then tended to set the narrative agenda for most other media outlets.

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Arrival of „The One to rule them all“

December 23, 2009

Media Release of 23rd December 2009

Professional Social Network Manager Sereive released

Zurich, Switzerland. Two Switzerland based companies announced today the release of „Sereive“, the currently most advanced Professional Social Network Manager. From a single website „the One to rule them all“ users can post a message simultaneously to an unlimited number of walls within a growing number of social networks. Each time a user posts a message, he or she can choose where she wants to post it to. According to her developers, Sereive has been designed for professional social networkers, like campaigners, IT entrepreneurs, marketing and PR professionals or musicians, who need to post fast and often. Sereive uses HTML5 and jQuery JavaScript Framework, is based on a freemium business model and optimized for all modern web browsers. Sereive is free for the first 365 users.

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